Saturday, January 11, 2014

Welcome to our 2014 Byron Cybears Team 4859 Blog!  Let me introduce myself.  I am Michelle Terrill (mom of the first girl to join the team).  I am a second year Mentor for the team and my contributions last year were to help design and build the bumpers of the robot, photograph both the competition (from the stands and in the pit) and the crew, and sometimes I provided snacks.  This year my bumper construction continues, as well as helping the kids with submitting award nominations, communication to parents and teams, still photography, and again I will try to provide some snacks for the team.  This idea of keeping a blog started as I was reading all of the awards and how they are obtained.  Most awards in the FRC world are part of on-going effort by teams to show off their Robotics skills and promote First and its ethics year round.  By creating this blog we can easily show others how our team operates and share with each other how proud we are of our accomplishments and team work!   This blog will also function as a way for our business team, grant writers, and award submissions people to go back and get information for all of those things.  We want blog posts to be encouraging, supportive, and positive!  Its going to be fun to see how all of the kids and adults involved can be a part of the First program while creating a team of prepared students to head into the real world with ethics and innovative ideas for real life problem solving.  The reward of watching this happen in last years team was amazing and very humbling.  As a mentor I had hoped to come in and 'help' these kids with a robot.  What I received in return was far more!  Watching them learn and grow and then returning the next year even more excited and recruiting more members who are ready to problem solve and build a functional robot from a pile of parts is incredible.  The team work in this school is wonderful and you all should be very proud of yourselves.  You can accomplish anything you put your minds to.  On that note:  LET THE FUN BEGIN!!!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Got code
Programmed into computer working great second cd here we come